Saturday, 26 November 2011


Sun 6.11.2011 - Wed 9.11.2011

by Siegmund

Next stop, right in the middle between Sydney and Melbourne is the sleepy coastal town called Mallacoota. In contrast to the Big 4 Narooma Caravan Park with all the facilities we decide to take our chances in the no facilities Shady Gully Caravan Park about 2 km out of town. Who needs facilities when you have guitar playing/singing hippies as neighbours. And again: Hey Jude,…
Great nature walks, great views and lots of pelicans who continue to entertain the kids.
The morning of our last day it is raining cats and dogs and it turns out that our Jayco Eagle is not as waterproof as the brochure claims. We go out for breakfast in the local bakery and get in touch with the local church group who invite us and the kids for a sing and dance in the community centre. This weekly event called “ mainly music” turns out to be a great success with the kids and more importantly we score an extra cup of  coffee under a blessed waterproof roof. We decide from now on to go out for breakfast each morning it rains.

"Shabby" Gully Camp 

Professional dishwashing team

Going for a cruise on world's smallest cruise boat

Real tough guys wear life vests

1 comment:

  1. Hoi Frederique! Wat leuk om jullie verhalen en foto's te zien! Bedank voor je mailtje, ik vroeg me al af of er al een update was na 'goodbye sydney'. Had natuurlijk jullie site moeten checken, ging er vanuit dat het net als Marije's blog was dat ik automatisch een mail zou krijgen met een link naar de update..... Nu dus even alles gelezen en wat ziet het er super uit! Wat goed dat de kinderen het zo goed doen en jullie zoveel plezier hebben. In Sydney is er veel regen gevallen de laatste dagen, hopelijk zaten jullie toch wel droog? Groetjes Irnene
