Saturday, 29 October 2011

Goodbye Sydney

Sat 29.10.2011

Today is the first day of our new life. Our bohemian life.
It seemed like an ordinary Saturday at first, but once our car was loaded with all our belongings and JayJay -our camper trailer- was hooked on, reality sank in. Our big adventure was about to start!
As most of you will know we decided to move back to Belgium, with a 4 month "detour" by camper trailer from Sydney to Perth. 
Although we still have our doubts whether leaving Sydney is the right decision, it seems the right decision for now. 
I guess that's what life is all about: making decisions. And at the end of the day one can only hope they were the right ones. 

So, sadly enough the start of our adventure also means the end of our beautiful life in Sydney... 
The last couple of weeks were filled with goodbye dinners, play dates for the kids and their little friends, Chai tea in Bondi and a last girl's night out to the movies. 
As a final farewell, our "Chloey" friends threw us an Aussie style BBQ (including great sausages!), and we also had our semi naked jump in the Women's baths. Great afternoon with great people.
Finally, with our waving friends reflecting in our rear mirror, we set off for our first stop: the Northern Beaches.

waiting for the sausages

aussie bloke having a sausage

women's baths Coogee

waving goodbye